2024 Media Partners

Mobile World Live

Mobile World Live is the premier destination for news, insight and intelligence for the global mobile industry. Armed with a dedicated team of experienced reporters from around the world, we are the industry’s most trusted media outlet for breaking news, special features, investigative reporting, and expert analysis of today’s biggest stories.

We are firmly committed to delivering accurate, quality journalism to our readers through news articles, video broadcasts, live and digital events, and more. Our engaged audience of mobile, tech and telecom professionals, including C-suite executives, business decision makers and influencers depend on the unrivalled content and analysis Mobile World Live provides to make informed business decisions every day.

Since 2016, Mobile World Live has also had a team of in-house media and marketing experts who work directly with our brand partners to produce bespoke content and deliver it to our audience in strategic yet innovative ways. Our portfolio of custom work – including whitepapers, webinars, live studio interviews, case studies, industry surveys and more – leverage the same level of industry knowledge and perspective that propels our newsroom.