
DSNA (Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne)


DSNA, the French Air Navigation Service Provider, aims to deliver the best quality of service to all users in one of the busiest airspaces in the world.

DSNA mission consists of controlling air traffic in a safe, fluid and environmentally-friendly manner, while keeping costs under control. Safety remains a fundamental priority but it actively participates in the transition for a Greener Aviation.

Due to its position in Europe, France manages dense and complex traffic with strong seasonal variations and high daily peak.

The workforce of DSNA amounts to 6,900 employees with a male-female distribution of 73% – 27%. 

Operational personnel counts for 66% of staff.

Product Categories

  • ATC Towers/Mobile Control Towers
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Flight Data Processing Systems
  • Safety Systems/Risk Assessment