The AIS Manufacturer’s support the digitalisation of AIS to AIM

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Use the A4F AIS Manufacturer’s & Market Report to assist your CAA, ANSP, and airport procurements.

The uninterrupted electronic / digital aeronautical data chain defined by ICAO Annex 15, PANS-AIM (Doc 10066), and industry standards like RTCA DO-200/EUROCEA ED-76 is not fully established worldwide. Furthermore, new requirements are arising for the digitalization of the system-wide information management (SWIM). At the time the transactions of aeronautical data need more protection to ensure correctness and consistency when received at end users’ location. This requires a trusted aeronautical frame work and network to ensure the uncompromised reception of aeronautical data at any place. These are all essential prerequisites for collaborative decision-making purposes.

Currently, there are 193 ICAO member states which serve around 230 territories with their Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) headquarters, NOTAM Offices, and AIS units at airports and aerodromes. It is estimated that 4,300 airports have scheduled traffic. In total there are probably more than 47,000 airports, aerodromes, landing places, and heliports in the world which need to be served by AIS.

Industry manufacturers’ support this digital transformation with their products. But who are these AIS Manufacturer’s? What is the difference between the various companies and their portfolio? Currently, there is no overview available about the world-wide AIS market and the manufacturers serving this market. ASBU for Future (A4F) closes this gap. The report in its entirety shall be an industry contribution to the world-wide initiative from AIS to digital AIM, led by ICAO.

To obtain a copy of the AIS Manufacturer’s & Market Report, please contact us using any of the following methods: scan the QR code, send an email to, or visit our dedicated website at