Panel Discussion: Transforming Aviation through AI

Networking Break, sponsored by Aireon

Panel Discussion: Transforming Future Skies

Wrap up and close

Keynote speech: The Great Remobilisation

Getting ready for the next decade of investments in ATM modernisation

The aviation community is facing a defining moment. All actors in the network are under pressure to deliver on performance. Decision makers are confronted with difficult “trade-offs” almost daily to push the system to its optimum, reducing cost while increasing efficiency, capacity, access and equity, global interoperability, and delivering on sustainability, security, and safety.
At the same time , thanks to programmes such as SESAR and others, the innovation space in the world has never been so active and productive. The availability of this large wealth of innovations challenges decision makers to make strategic decisions on the right combination of solutions to maximise the impact on performance at local or network level.

How can we prepare for the next decade of ATM transformation ?

Moderated by Eurocontrol , the session will address these issues in a distinguished panel format composed of key decision makers in the ATM domain. The audience will hear from key players on a major development in the ATM domain and how they can get ready for the future.

Allowing safe co-existence of wind energy generation and air operations

• International renewable energy agreements and national policies are delayed or stopped by civil and military aviation stakeholders
• Wind farms are already creating safety challenges for airspace users or a nuisance for local residents
• Turbine clutter and light mitigation solutions exist but are poorly defined and funded
• A case is presented for ‘Costs Lie Where They Fall’, between policy makers, energy companies and aviation stakeholders

Regional Crisis Management Framework (ICAO EUR Doc 031)

Enabling Regional Air Traffic Flow Management with Data Exchange

This panel will explore the crucial role of data exchange in enabling cross-border regional Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), particularly in regions adopting a “distributed” ATFM network concept. It will focus on the implementation and operations of ATFM in various regions worldwide, highlighting the experiences and challenges faced by Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) participating in initiatives like the CANSO ATFM Data Exchange Network for the Americas (CADENA). CADENA, launched in 2016, aims to enhance the safety and efficiency of air traffic movements across Latin American and Caribbean regions by facilitating collaborative decision-making (CDM) and accurate demand forecasting through data exchange. The panel will discuss the complexities of ATFM and CDM within this expansive airspace, addressing how CADENA’s success led to the formation of the CANSO Aviation Data Exchange Network for Cooperative Excellence (CADENCE). Intended for a global audience involved in ATFM, CDM, and SWIM implementations. Additionally, it will highlight how CANSO supports ANSPs and regional ATFM implementation groups in enhancing data exchange and implementing regional ATFM

Building an Aviation Strategic Plan for Service Excellence

In this panel discussion, industry leaders, representatives from airlines, airports, and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), will come together to explore the collaborative development of an Aviation Strategic Plan aimed at achieving digitalisation, service excellence and cost efficiency. The panel will dive into the intricacies of forging strong partnerships among these key stakeholders and leveraging their collective expertise to shape the future of aviation.