Drone-Based CNS Measurements for Enabling New Possibilities

Skyguide and Intersoft Electronics have developed the CNS Drone SkyRF®, a drone-based CNS measurement system that addresses the challenges of CNS performance analysis and certification.

CNS Drone SkyRF® can measure CNS system parameters in a single 10-minute flight, and can even combine the measurement of different CNS, like ILS (GP + LOC) and DME. Traditional test flights cannot compete with the repeatability of SkyRF®’s pre-programmed trajectories. The drone doesn’t replace the aircraft (yet!), but complements existing ground measurements by reducing ground clutter as it flies at altitude.

As a result, the correlation between SkyRF® (i.e. ground measurements) and test flights is very good, and test flights can be reduced to one campaign per year. This can reduce aircraft hours cost, CO₂ emissions and noise pollution by 50% or more!

During this session, Hervé Demule, Navigation Engineer at Skyguide,, and Domien De Ruyck, Managing Director Intersoft Services, will explain exactly how SkyRF® can be deployed and what the operational and financial benefits are for air navigation service providers, airports and military CNS users are.

The presentation will be accompanied by a demonstration of SkyRF®’s capabilities at nearby Geneva Airport.

Strengthening Resilience in ATM: Crisis Management and Business Continuity in Air Traffic Control

Air traffic management is a critical component of the aviation industry, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of aircrafts in the sky. However, like any other industry, it is susceptible to disruptions and crises that can impact its operations and the safety of passengers and crew members. Therefore, it is essential for air traffic management organizations to have robust business continuity and crisis management plans in place. These plans must be regularly reviewed, updated, and tested to ensure they are effective and can be implemented in the event of a disruption or crisis.
Leonardo is supporting ANSPs customer worldwide to guarantee business continuity by identifying potential risks and developing strategies to ensure the continuity of critical operations in the event of a disruption.
Leonardo products are deployed to support back up and disaster and recovery solutions in major areas such as Italy FIRs, Turkey FIR, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur FIR.
Leonardo products guarantee continuous alignment between the operative and the back up or disaster and recovery system in terms of operational configuration, flight plan and surveillance data enabling an immediate and full recover of Air Traffic Control capability at a remote location in case of disastrous events affecting the operative site.

Future-ready Air Traffic Management Solutions

The Air Traffic Management sector is currently moving towards increasing efficiency and safety, while also striving for sustainable solutions beyond digitisation. The goal is to develop greener and smarter solutions which contribute to the aviation industry’s sustainable objectives whilst also enhancing the safety of airports and meeting growing demand.
At NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants, we specialise in advancing future-ready solutions, such as enhancing Air Traffic Management (ATM) through Virtual/Digital ATM and Virtual Towers, as well as supporting operational safety through our in-house solutions such as the NACO RCR-Tool© and our Eye on HMI©.
NACO is committed to developing cutting-edge aviation solutions. With over 74 years of experience, we have made an impact on our broad portfolio putting efficiency, safety and sustainability at the forefront of airport development.

Remote ATC Simulation: Harnessing Analytics for Better Training Outcomes

In this session, Jonny Cooke will highlight the importance of analytics in revolutionising remote Air Traffic Control (ATC) training. He will discuss the potential and power of simulator analytics, not only to ensure consistent training but also to build confidence in evaluating ATC performance in remote training scenarios.

Jonny will touch on the use of data to refine and improve training methods, and the potential for introducing new training models like mobile simulations. He’ll also explore future applications, particularly in standardising on-the-job competency checking and end-to-end training monitoring.

This session promises to provide a forward-looking perspective on the evolving role of analytics in ATC training and its impact on future air traffic management.

Empowering Collaborative Decision-Making for a Seamless Air Traffic Experience

In the dynamic world of aviation, air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airlines often work in isolation, tackling challenges independently. This siloed approach can lead to inefficiencies and some operational friction.
With global air traffic expected to double in the next 12-15 years, a more cohesive approach to air traffic management (ATM) is paramount. The increasing prevalence and severity of turbulence further complicate the situation as airlines employ advanced weather avoidance systems, leading to deviations from planned trajectories and potential disruptions to ATM operations.
We introduce a revolutionary solution to address these challenges: harmonizing weather information between flight decks and ATMs. By bridging the gap between the weather data utilized by airlines and the information available to ATM systems, we can significantly enhance efficiency and airspace management.
Our enhanced weather awareness system (eWAS) for ATC seamlessly integrates real-time weather information and provides a comprehensive, accurate, shared understanding that empowers airlines and ANSPs to make more informed decisions, optimize flight paths, and minimize disruptions.
With eWAS for ATC, we can transform the future of ATM, enabling a collaborative and data-driven approach that maximizes airspace capacity, reduces delays, and enhances safety. Join us as we showcase our brand new initiatives, the power of harmonized weather information and pave the way for more efficient, sustainable, and resilient air management of airspace.

IDS AIRNAV a Digital Ecosystem supporting ATM with AIM Dynamic and ATM Demand & Capacity solution

The aviation industry is expected to make a transformative leap forward – into an era defined by the convergence of digital infrastructures, hyper-connected communications, and data-centric systems and information exchange
Some experience and ideas on how to support a safe and innovativa implementation by maintain standard and cope with safety and regulations.

UAS solutions transforming airport inspections

Since 2017, Techno Sky, as a UAS operator, has been increasingly employing drones for the inspection of Navigational Aids Systems and airport infrastructures in synergy with local ANSP and CAA (ENAC). Currently, the Techno Sky fleet is deployed at various Italian airports to perform ILS ground checks in accordance with ICAO prescriptions, using a solution validated by ENAC in 2020. Additionally, the company has conducted a series of Proof of Concept activities dedicated to inspecting airport infrastructures, such as runway and taxiway lights, perimeter fencing, and obstacle lights.
These activities, conducted in BVLOS in the Specific Category, have been authorized by the CAA through the issuance of dedicated Generic authorizations. The Company has planned to extend these activities to a greater number of Italian airports during 2024 and the coming years, leveraging on the high potential and increased sustainability provided by UAS solutions and paving the way for new business cases.

Procurement 2.0: Redefining ANSP Approaches for a Dynamic ATM Environment

The ATM industry finds itself at a pivotal juncture, marked by significant shifts and advancements. Embracing innovation and digital transformation is vital for the evolution of advanced ATM operations, concurrently requiring a commitment to reinforcing the resilience of systems with a firm focus on safety and security.

In this dynamic landscape, the relationship between these industry-wide changes and the procurement processes merits close examination. ATM systems form the core of an ANSP, serving as the hub for daily operations and underpinning a large spectrum of capabilities at an ANSP’s disposal. Traditionally characterized by 10-15 year life cycles, these systems have driven ANSPs to adhere to conventional procurement procedures, leveraging commercial off-the-shelf solutions with tailored modifications to address specific requirements.

As we move towards a future defined by digitalisation and innovative methodologies and concepts, major suppliers are introducing alternative procurement avenues. They are shifting towards systems characterized by open architecture and a service-driven approach, anticipating the demands of a digitally-driven and innovative era, where the integration of an ATM Data Service Provider (ADSP) plays a crucial role in enhancing data accessibility and system efficiency.

Our presentation seeks to clarify the imperative for ANSPs to move away from traditional procurement paradigms and embrace a new mindset. Drawing insights from Egis’ support to ANSPs globally and lessons learned in other industries, the focus is on guiding ANSPs to adopt an approach that ensures alignment with the industry’s future trajectory. This entails fostering flexibility and skirting prevalent issues, including vendor lock-in, escalating pricing structures, and the need for cost transparency, which currently pose challenges.

By advocating a departure from the status quo, we aim to equip ANSPs with the knowledge and tools to navigate this transformative period effectively. We delve into alternative procurement models inspired by successful practices elsewhere, emphasizing the need for a strategic shift that not only accommodates the current changes but also paves the way for future-proofing ATM systems. The objective is to encourage ANSPs to make informed decisions that resonate with the industry’s trajectory, fostering adaptability and mitigating challenges associated with legacy approaches.

In conclusion, our presentation serves as an insight into how ANSPs can navigate the crossroads of innovation, digital transformation, and procurement. By urging a departure from conventional methods, we advocate for an approach that aligns with the industry’s future vision, offering flexibility and resilience in the face of evolving challenges.

AAM Vision Panel- Scaling Up Operations

This panel delves into scaling up AAM operations, addressing demand, airspace and infrastructure readiness, and specific use cases.

ATM System Test Tool

HungaroControl explains why automated ATM system regression testing is an industry milestone achievement and why it is believed that it could revolutionize development and deployment processes. The presentation introduces how – after years of R&D – HungaroControl managed to make automated ATM system testing a reality.
It introduces why the ATM system software testing is important and what problems the ANSP, integrator and manufacturer companies face during testing.
It summarizes the advantages of automated testing based on end-user use cases that takes into account the business aspects of the end-user compared to manual testing.
It delves into a user story i.e. how HungaroControl developed the automated test tool and how it is used operationally, presented through its own example.
The focus is on how an automated test tool can benefit ANSPs integrator and manufacturers companies during their development and implementation procedures.