Intelligent Approach – delivering a consistent operation

Approach controllers are the gatekeepers for aircraft arrivals and therefore indirectly control the capacity of the entire airport. Enabling them to deliver a consistent landing rate, regardless of the wind conditions, allows the airport to operate efficiently, improving on-time performance and customer satisfaction. Find out how Intelligent Approach is being used by London Heathrow, Toronto Pearson, and Amsterdam Schiphol to help approach controllers maximise runway throughput and provide benefits to the airport, the airlines, and the local community.

Next-Level Governance of AAM – Co-Creating the Future

This panel focuses on co-creating agile and resilient governance schemes, highlighting top-down and bottom-up approaches, and the necessary skills and capacity-building for public authorities.

Welcome and Opening

The Quest for Ever Safer Aviation (EASA 2)

EASA plays a key role at the heart of the European aviation system and the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) particularly, provides a framework for data-driven safety improvement across Europe and beyond. However, it is front-line operational stakeholders who deliver safe and effective operations every day. In a world where organisations are challenged to balance safety, efficiency and sustainability, do the different actors understand their own, and each others’ role, in this important task. The EPAS is a management system for Europe, connecting National Level Safety Plans to Management Systems of organisations. Do we have the tools and safety data we need for effective risk-based decision making as part of our integrated management systems that can ensure we focus our resources in the right places. Thus ensuring we have solid safety foundations to cope with a rapidly changing world.

CINEA: Driving Aviation Sustainability and Innovation through EU Funding

CINEA is a key player in supporting aviation stakeholders in delivering the European Green Deal through the efficient and effective implementation of its delegated programmes, in particular by providing ATM/SESAR funding (from research under Horizon Europe to deployment under the Connecting Europe Facility).
CINEA fosters an efficient knowledge sharing and synergies between its different programmes and establishes strong partnerships with its stakeholders.
The session would aim to present CINEA’s role in relation to the other European partners in particular in relation to DG MOVE, SDM and SJU, share success stories of ATM/SESAR deployment EU funded actions and promote funding opportunities under CEF for the European aviation sector.

TOMORROW’s Voices- Forum of Next Generation Aviation Professionals – (2nd part)

Incorporating the perspectives of young graduates is vital to the Future Skies YOUTH DAY. This panel provides a platform for recent graduates and students who have participated in the three-day event to share their insights and concerns. It aims to give a voice to the youth, fostering an open dialogue about their experiences, takeaways, and areas of concern.

OneControl and the environment

There will be content how the ADBSG ICWP solution does support in controlling traffic at and around airports in a more environmentally friendly way by using advanced technology and algorithms.
Use cases will demonstrate day-to-day applicability and benefits derived combined with accurate calculations of emission reductions.

Addressing the risk of air traffic interruptions posed by drones

Drones above prohibited areas are an increasing security risk. Remotely controlled drones repeatedly violate personal privacy, boundaries of protected areas and air traffic safety. Regardless of the drone pilot’s intention, drones pose a serious safety risk and lead to costly downtime of air traffic.
Protecting airports is a challenging task and needs effective response procedures complemented by situational awareness of drones in the airspace. In this speaker slot, we are discussing different response procedures and available tools that the responsible parties can use to effectively deal with drone threats.

Future-ready Air Traffic Management Solutions

The Air Traffic Management sector is currently moving towards increasing efficiency and safety, while also striving for sustainable solutions beyond digitisation. The goal is to develop greener and smarter solutions which contribute to the aviation industry’s sustainable objectives whilst also enhancing the safety of airports and meeting growing demand.
At NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants, we specialise in advancing future-ready solutions, such as enhancing Air Traffic Management (ATM) through Virtual/Digital ATM and Virtual Towers, as well as supporting operational safety through our in-house solutions such as the NACO RCR-Tool© and our Eye on HMI©.
NACO is committed to developing cutting-edge aviation solutions. With over 74 years of experience, we have made an impact on our broad portfolio putting efficiency, safety and sustainability at the forefront of airport development.

Drone-Based CNS Measurements for Enabling New Possibilities

Skyguide and Intersoft Electronics have developed the CNS Drone SkyRF®, a drone-based CNS measurement system that addresses the challenges of CNS performance analysis and certification.

CNS Drone SkyRF® can measure CNS system parameters in a single 10-minute flight, and can even combine the measurement of different CNS, like ILS (GP + LOC) and DME. Traditional test flights cannot compete with the repeatability of SkyRF®’s pre-programmed trajectories. The drone doesn’t replace the aircraft (yet!), but complements existing ground measurements by reducing ground clutter as it flies at altitude.

As a result, the correlation between SkyRF® (i.e. ground measurements) and test flights is very good, and test flights can be reduced to one campaign per year. This can reduce aircraft hours cost, CO₂ emissions and noise pollution by 50% or more!

During this session, Hervé Demule, Navigation Engineer at Skyguide,, and Domien De Ruyck, Managing Director Intersoft Services, will explain exactly how SkyRF® can be deployed and what the operational and financial benefits are for air navigation service providers, airports and military CNS users are.

The presentation will be accompanied by a demonstration of SkyRF®’s capabilities at nearby Geneva Airport.