Safety Leadership Challenges: How to remain safe during transformation

In this panel, Safety Leaders will discuss the role of leadership in fostering a culture of safety amidst change.
Participants will explore strategies for assessing and mitigating risks during transformational periods.
The panel will share best practices for integrating new technologies or processes without compromising safety and explore examples of successful safety management during organisational or industry-wide changes.

Display and analysis of geospatial information for UAS, autonomous BVLOS flights and camera path

Having an up-to-date operational picture is essential to efficiently and safety be able plan and manage UAS Missions in real-time. This can be achieved using a combination of different types of geospatial information, sensor data and dynamic events. The data can then furthermore be used for a number of different run-time analysis like line-of-sight, projected video and generation of UAV routes.

Using a high detail 3D model of a city environment, a system for urban 3D flight planning is able to operate multiple UAVs BVLOS, integrated with UTM system to safely operate in high-intensity airspace in close proximity to surface/buildings and deconflicted from other UAVs and flight corridors. UAS routes need to be autonomous calculated based on mission parameters and inputs from UAS platform and UTM such as, safe flight zones, weather data, sensors coverage, restricted airspaces and deconfliction with other UAS flight corridors.

Since the system should be mission centered, the concept of a camera path is a central element. Traditionally the user starts by defining waypoints that builds up a flight path. Here we instead generate a camera path based on the desired mission objectives and the field of view of the camera. The user should be thinking primarily from the perspective of what the camera “can see” (field of view) and secondly about where the drone will be physically located (flight path). From this an optimal route and camera movements and angles are calculated.

Roadmap Towards Digital Flight and Fully Automated Remotely Supervised Aircraft

AI and Autonomy in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)

In this panel discussion, industry experts will explore the convergence of AI and autonomy in advanced air mobility (AAM). Join us as we delve into emerging UTM&AAM use cases and examine the significant advantages, gaps, and challenges associated with deploying AI and autonomous systems in UTM/AAM operations.

The future of Satellite-Based Communications and Surveillance

A new allocation to AMS(R)S (aeronautical mobile-satellite (route) service) in the aeronautical VHF band (117.975 – 137 MHz) has been approved after a 4 year cycle of intense work at the ITU.
With this new attribution, Startical can make use of the aeronautical band from space so its satellite constellation can offer VHF communications services (voice and data) and surveillance in oceanic and remote areas without any modification in existing avionic. This will be a huge benefit for the aeronautical community, increasing safety, efficiency and allowing the use of new optimal and more ecological routes.

Inclusive Skies: Strategies for Diversity in Aviation

The “inclusive skies” panel aims to identify strategies for attracting, nurturing, and retaining next-gen Air Traffic Controllers and aviation staff.
The panel will share insights, success stories, and actionable approaches to address the challenges and build a sustainable pipeline for the future.

Enhanced ATM Capability Through System-to-System Integration

The panel of industry experts representing different aspects of air traffic management will discuss the benefits and capability extension that can be realized through greater system integration.

Addressing the risk of air traffic interruptions posed by drones

Drones above prohibited areas are an increasing security risk. Remotely controlled drones repeatedly violate personal privacy, boundaries of protected areas and air traffic safety. Regardless of the drone pilot’s intention, drones pose a serious safety risk and lead to costly downtime of air traffic.
Protecting airports is a challenging task and needs effective response procedures complemented by situational awareness of drones in the airspace. In this speaker slot, we are discussing different response procedures and available tools that the responsible parties can use to effectively deal with drone threats.

Intelligent Approach – delivering a consistent operation

Approach controllers are the gatekeepers for aircraft arrivals and therefore indirectly control the capacity of the entire airport. Enabling them to deliver a consistent landing rate, regardless of the wind conditions, allows the airport to operate efficiently, improving on-time performance and customer satisfaction. Find out how Intelligent Approach is being used by London Heathrow, Toronto Pearson, and Amsterdam Schiphol to help approach controllers maximise runway throughput and provide benefits to the airport, the airlines, and the local community.

Securing Our Skies: Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges

In this thought-provoking panel discussion, cybersecurity experts and aviation leaders will come together to address the critical issue of safeguarding our skies in the digital age. The panel will delve into the evolving landscape of cybersecurity challenges that impact the safety and security of airspace. Participants will explore the latest emerging technologies relevant to aviation, and engage in a conversation about the measures, strategies, and collaborative efforts required to fortify the integrity of our airspace systems. Join us for a deep dive into the complex realm of cybersecurity and its vital role in securing the skies.