Another busy day ahead in the Airspace World Theatres

As day two of Airspace World 2023, brought to you by CANSO, gets underway, don’t forget to check out our packed agenda of talks, debates and conversations in one of our five theatres.

With sustainability at the forefront of the challenges facing our industry, see how SESAR is helping to bring about a digital transformation in ATM, with technological solutions that can deliver a “perfect flight” in terms of carbon emissions reduction. That talk is at 13:45 in the SESAR Showcase Theatre.

And then this afternoon, at 15:15, head back to the SESAR Theatre to see who wins their Digital European Sky Awards.

In the Wing Theatre at 10:00 the ongoing conversation about integrated skies continues with what will be a fascinating panel discussion about vertiports. Moderated by ATM Magazine Editor, Claudia Bracco, panellists include Skeydrone Managing Director Hendrik-Jan Van Der Gucht, and Gema Ferrero Rubiera, Managing Director of Bluenest

In the FABEC Ops Theatre at 11:30 there’s another fascinating panel discussion looking at Regional Differences in ATM. By combining operational expertise from all over Europe and from the Network Manager, this panel aims to get a common picture of ATM operations and learn how to combine national, regional and network aspects. 

At midday head over to the Boeing Theatre for another panel discussion on Unlocking a culture for customer-centric organisational transformation. The event description ends with the intriguing statement that we can “learn how this ‘clash of cultures can help build more robust and resilient organisations.”

For those who love to talk tech, the Frequentis Theatre has a wide range of discussions on all things technology throughout the day, but ending with a roundtable discussion of industry leaders and technology users, focussing on potential regulatory hurdles, shifts in our operational concepts, speed of integration, and the investments industries or ANSPs are making to achieve the desired outcomes.

Finally, The CANSO Global Safety Achievement Award for 2022 will be announced in the Boeing Theatre at 14:00. Come along to celebrate the achievements of colleagues in this, our most crucial, field.