Jörn Jakobi

Jörn Jakobi received his Diploma in Psychology in 1999. Since 2000 he works as a human factors expert with DLR Institute of Flight Guidance. Since 2010 he took over the position of a business developer with main focus on the topic Remote Tower affairs. In 2014 he became chairman of the EUROCAE WG100 “Remote & Virtual Tower” and in 2016 the Single European Sky ATM Research program (SESAR2020) launched the biggest European Remote Tower Project with more than 30 partners, which since then is managed by Jörn Jakobi in the project coordinator role. In 2019 he received the Manfred-Fuchs Innovation award for his achievements with Remote Tower innovations and implementations and in 2023 the EUROCAE working group Leadership Award.

Julia Schön

Psychology Bachelor student at Jena University.

Don Berchoff

Don is the CEO of TruWeather Solutions with 40 years in weather, aviation, and logistics. He is a AAM weather pioneer and thought leader engaged in policy, ASTM standards, and the economics of Drone/eVTOL weather. Don has a unique blend of experiences. He was an Aircrew Meteorologist, designed and led regional and global aviation weather centers and led all ground operations at Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan. As the NOAA S&T Director he led the transition of $500M+ in technology and software applications into operations. Don is the Chair of the ASTM F38 Weather Specification for Weather Supplemental Data Service Provider (SDSP) Performance Work Group. The standard was approved by ASTM on 9 Nov 23 after 3 years of global consensus building.

Steven Moore

Vojtech Pek

Vojtěch Pék is ERA Product Manager, responsible for civil Multilateration and ADS-B market. Mr. Pék is an active co-author of several ATM standards.
Mr. Pék joined ERA in 2004 as a Software Developer and Analyst. After his graduation, he worked as a Configuration Engineer.
He had continued to work in the Product Test department, where he became a team leader. His experience broadened in the project manager role. Mr. Pék finished the L-band active MSPSR research and MSS-NEO project. He now cooperates with his colleagues on improvement of other ERA products like ERIS DART, MIPS, SQUID and others.
In 2022 he introduced the fifth generation of MLAT product MSS-5.

Luc Haeberlé

Luc Haeberlé has occupied various positions in the aerospace , telecommunication, test & measurement and safety industries.
In 2013 Luc joined the German LS telcom group in charge of developing the new subsidiary Colibrex. Colibrex is offering drone-based solutions for various types of radio frequency measurement. As Managing Director of this entity, Luc has entered a technological partnership with FCS Flight Calibration Services to develop the NavAidDrone, a specialized drone for NavAids inspection. With the NavAidDrone Luc is now involved in multiple projects with ANSPs all over the world.
Luc Haeberlé holds a Double French-German degree in business administration for technical goods.

Fernando Trolia Slamic

Fernando Trolia Slamic is the Director of Strategy and Business Development of Vaisala’s weather and environment business. His areas of focus are new markets in urban mobility, environmental monitoring and climate change adaptation with a particular focus on future air mobility an aviation.

Weather and environmental monitoring are at the very core of Vaisala’s strategy. For almost 90 years, Vaisala has been helping weather-critical businesses be more safe, efficient and resilient in a rapidly changing climate.

Mark Watson

Mark Watson joined the EUROCAE Secretariat in May 2023.

After 8 years in the telecommunications industry, Mark joined the aeronautical domain in 1996 (EUROCONTROL) to validate the draft ICAO Doc 9705 ATN upper layers, ADS, CM and CPDLC applications. He then gained significant experience in the validation of new operational concepts and controller tools using the EUROCONTROL ATM real-time simulation platform.

Since 2010, Mark has worked closely with the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU) in the ramp-up and execution of SESAR 1 (via ‘Industrial Support’ managed by Airbus) and SESAR2020 (via ‘SESAR Development Support Services’ managed by ArianeGroup).

Antonio Strano

Since 2008 in ATM R&D and in several SESAR projects designing & specifying SWIM profiles technical specifications, services & solutions. SESAR1 P14.01.04 covering different roles for design & specifying SWIM Blue, Yellow & Purple profiles. 2016 contributed as European technical head to SWIM Global demo for demonstrating global interoperability between SWIM enabled ATM from different regions (Europe & USA). Since 2016, part of air-ground SWIM for enabling Aircraft to be integrated in SWIM (SESAR W1 PJ.17-01, SESAR W2 PJ.14-100 & SESAR3 MIAR solution 1). Currently SWIM expert in several SESAR3 projects related to TBO including MIAR, MITRANO & NETWORK TBO & SESAR3 projects related to U-space & U-space/ATM including EUREKA & ENSURE.

Maria Sciannelli

Maria Sciannelli, graduated in Computer Science Engineering Minored in AI, since 2016 participates in both national and international projects related to UTM/U-Space topics (e.g. SESAR, EUROCAE, GUTMA), becoming the focal point for Leonardo. She participated in the World ATM Conference in 2017/21/22 as expert for UTM and AAM topics. Actively involved in the definition of the Italian AAM Roadmap led by National Authority ENAC, and since 2020 in the Leonardo ‘Drone Contest’, an initiative to promote the development of AI applied to UAS. Currently, she is involved as AAM/IAS Technical Authority in the development of the Italian national UTM platform and in several SESAR3 projects related to U-Space topics (e.g. Eureka, Ensure).