Vanessa Rullier-Francaud

Attila Mészáros

Attila Mészáros is Research and Development Director at ProofIT for more than 10 years with academic background in computer science and physics. He is passionate in knowing and handling complexity in testing, and understanding testability, maintainability and modelling issues specifically in test automation.

Csaba Gergely

CSABA GERGELY is an Air Traffic Controller, former TWR Manager and currently the Senior ATM Advisor to the Director of Business Development at HungaroControl. He has 30 years of experience in ATC, with 16 years in ATM. As TWR Manager Csaba was responsible for user side aspects of development and installation of all TWR systems and also HungaroControl’s remote TWR facility. Csaba is alsomember of the remote tower’s ‘Tiger Team’, whose expertise and experience was indispensable in the implementation process.

Luigi Brucculeri

He is a software engineer with Master Degree in Computer Science in Naples (University Federico II) obtained in 1998. He is currently in ENAV working in the Innovation and Research department, leading Industrial Reseach and Demonstration activities. He is as well seconded in D-Flight as responsible for UTM/U-space research and innovation projects. He is in charge of coordinating and contributing R&D activities in ENAV (Industrial Research and Demo projects) and D-Flight.

Gábor Szabó

Air Traffic Controller 1989-2012,
2002-2009 ATM System Developer-Designer,
2009-2022 Head of ATM System Development Division,
2022-2023 Head of ANS System Development Division,
2023-ATM System Developer-Designer Expert

Ben Stanley

Ben has spent nearly 25 years helping people design or implement change. With an initial focus in aviation and space, Ben now enjoys bringing cross-sector perspectives to problems, working with organisations and industries to unlock performance and impact. Ben is CEO of Firstfruits Services, a UK-based consultancy working across various sectors to provide insights, deliver fresh narratives, make sense of complexity, and implement and communicate with excellence.

Rohan Garib

Rohan is the Head of Division – Air Navigation Services at the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority. He is an accomplished, dynamic and self-motivated Executive with domestic and international aviation management experience. He has a proven track record of performance and oversighting of multimillion-dollar aviation projects.
His 30 years work experience in the transportation industry (Civil Aviation and Airports) includes 15 years aviation management (Economic Regulation and Air Navigation Services) and 12 years as an Executive providing strategic and operations leadership in Air Navigation Services.
His academic qualifications include Business Management, Master of Science in Aviation Management, and Master in Laws (UK). His professional qualifications include training in Aviation Leadership (Singapore), Aviation Safety, Aviation Law, Risk Management, Strategic Management and Industrial Relations. He is also a holder of Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Instructor Licenses.
Rohan is currently the Vice Chairperson of the ICAO North America, Central America and Caribbean Air Navigation Working Group and the Chairperson for the ICAO Eastern Caribbean, Civil Aviation Technical Group – Search & Rescue Working Group.

Justin Oberman

Justin P. Oberman is a recognized expert and industry leader in aviation/aerospace, homeland security, and identity management. His 27-year career includes service in government, as a tech-company founder, and as an advisor to investors and management teams.

Justin is CEO of Airspace Data, which is building and deploying a software capability so that the military, FAA, and the airlines can share restricted airspace at scale to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, operating costs, and flight times. The company was formed in 2021 and started supporting civilian flight plans through military airspace in summer 2023.

Marina Morić

With over 20 years of experience in both telecom and aviation industry on various leadership positions, Marina is experienced HR professional, currently working as Head of Human Resources at Croatia Control, Air Navigation Service Provider. Specializing in talent acquisition amongst other HR topics , she is dedicated to enhancing the selection process ensuring that organizations attract and retain top-tier talent. Marina is passionate about introducing innovative talent management strategies to enhance workplace dynamics.
Marina has a Master’s degree in Economics, she is Chairman of CANSO Global Human Resources Working group as well as Chairman of Human Resources Sub-committee within FABCE.

Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen

Ms Cheryl Chen is a tower-rated air traffic controller and has worked at Taipei and SongShang Control Tower before being repositioned as a safety officer for Air Navigation and Weather Services, the ANSP in Taiwan.
She is currently undergoing her radar training at Taipei Enroute Control Center.
She has been actively involved with IFATCA’s regional events and has been passionately advocating for gender equity in aviation.
She also helped initiate the IFATCA Speaking English Program, which is now widely utilized by many pilots and ATCs to keep up their aviation English speaking ability.
Cheryl was elected as IFATCA North Asia regional vice president in 2019, and later on took up the role as IFATCA EVP for Asia Pacific Region from 2021.
Before joining the aviation industry, she received her academic training in social psychology and sociology from the University of Cambridge, which led to her keen interest in human performance and safety.