Athanassios Tziolas

: Athanassios Tziolas is the Head of Air Traffic Department at European Union Aviation Safety Agency. He has been actively contributing for over two decades to numerous Agency’s activities dealing with Rulemaking, General Aviation and Strategy/Programmes. Since 2022, he is working in the Air Traffic Department ensuring the ATM/ANS regulatory, oversight, standardization activities including coordination of EASA contributions to the SESAR programme.

Rachel Daeschler

Rachel Daeschler is Certification Director at EASA since January 2019. She joined the Agency in 2004 and has occupied several successive positions, starting as a large aeroplane project certification manager. In 2010 she took over the position of large aeroplane section manager, and in 2014 she was appointed head of the Safety Intelligence department and deputy to the Strategy and Safety management Director. In 2018 she was seconded to ICAO Montréal as coordinator for Regional Safety Oversight Organisations. From 1996 to 2004 she served within the French National Aviation Authority (DGAC), first as part of the aircraft certification office (until 2002), then as deputy head of the Reims Area Control Center. She is a graduated engineer from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (France) and has a specialized master in aircraft airworthiness.

Ben Stanley

Ben has spent nearly 25 years helping people design or implement change. With an initial focus in aviation and space, Ben now enjoys bringing cross-sector perspectives to problems, working with organisations and industries to unlock performance and impact. Ben is CEO of Firstfruits Services, a UK-based consultancy working across various sectors to provide insights, deliver fresh narratives, make sense of complexity, and implement and communicate with excellence.

Micilia Albertus-Verboom

Micilia Albertus-Verboom was appointed Director General of the Dutch Caribbean Air Navigation Service Provider (DC-ANSP) in January 2006. DC-ANSP is responsible for the provision of air navigation service within the Curacao Flight Information Region. Micilia was chairperson of the CANSO Latin America and Caribbean Committee (LAC3) from 2011 through 2017 and from 2019 through 2020. As chair of the LAC3, Micilia was appointed member of the CANSO Executive Committee. Prior to joining DC-ANSP, Micilia worked for the Government of the former Netherlands Antilles with over seven years’ experience in the Justice Department.

Gábor Szabó

Air Traffic Controller 1989-2012,
2002-2009 ATM System Developer-Designer,
2009-2022 Head of ATM System Development Division,
2022-2023 Head of ANS System Development Division,
2023-ATM System Developer-Designer Expert

Csaba Gergely

CSABA GERGELY is an Air Traffic Controller, former TWR Manager and currently the Senior ATM Advisor to the Director of Business Development at HungaroControl. He has 30 years of experience in ATC, with 16 years in ATM. As TWR Manager Csaba was responsible for user side aspects of development and installation of all TWR systems and also HungaroControl’s remote TWR facility. Csaba is alsomember of the remote tower’s ‘Tiger Team’, whose expertise and experience was indispensable in the implementation process.

Luigi Brucculeri

He is a software engineer with Master Degree in Computer Science in Naples (University Federico II) obtained in 1998. He is currently in ENAV working in the Innovation and Research department, leading Industrial Reseach and Demonstration activities. He is as well seconded in D-Flight as responsible for UTM/U-space research and innovation projects. He is in charge of coordinating and contributing R&D activities in ENAV (Industrial Research and Demo projects) and D-Flight.

Hannah Browne

Hannah Browne currently serves as a Technical Officer at ICAO specializing in Higher Airspace Operations and Commercial Space integration. She began her career as an area controller in the FAA before moving to Space Operations in the FAA’s Air Traffic Control System Command Center. Prior to joining ICAO, Ms. Browne served as Space Operations International Liaison for the technical harmonization of space operation integration. She graduated from the FAA’s Program for Emerging Leaders and has received the Harvard Business School’s Leadership Principles Certification.

Vanessa Rullier-Francaud

Carmela Tripaldi

Carmela Tripaldi, born in Rome on March 19, 1964. She graduated in Aeronautical Engineering in 1990 at the “Sapienza” University of Rome and has held various positions of responsibility both nationally and internationally in the Civil Aviation organizations: ICAO, JAA and EASA . He currently holds the role of Airworthiness Regulation Director in the National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) and coordinator of the national Tak Force for Advanced Air Mobility. She is an expert in the field of safety management and regulation recently more generally she deals with research programs and the introduction of new technologies and innovations in the civil aviation sector.