Kai Bauer

Kai Bauer is Principal Advisor Sustainable Mobility at the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) responsible for strategic sustainability actions, including the Innovative Air Mobility Hub Project. He previously launched the Agency’s Environmental Label Programme and served as Head of Environment Department in EASA’s Certification Directorate. Over his 10+ years of service at EASA, Kai held management responsibilities for safety and environmental impact assessments as well as strategy and programmes. Before joining EASA, Kai worked as Programme Manager at the Delegations of the European Union in Slovenia and Turkey. Kai holds a PhD in Environmental and Resource Economics from Bonn University, Germany.

Maria Algar Ruiz

Master degree in Aerospace Engineering graduated in ETSIA (Madrid) Madrid and in ENSICA (Toulouse). Post-graduated Master degree in fluid dynamics at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Belgium. Started professional carrier in ITP (ES) working in the EUROFIGHTER’s EJ200 engines. Then she worked as project engineer in CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research, Geneva) in Geneva. Employed by Airbus as propulsion systems specialist at the Airbus Customer Support Engineering. Seconded by Airbus to JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) as technical assistant to the Operations Director. Joined EASA in 2006 as Rulemaking Officer for aircraft operation and CNS aspects. In 2008 she joined the ATM/ANS department. She has had several positions in the department including EASA SESAR Coordinator and lately acting Section Manager of the ATM/ANS Regulations Section within the Flight Standards Directorate and UTM-SESAR coordinator at EASA’s Innovation Cell within the Executive Directorate. Since the beginning of 2019, she is the EASA Drones Programme Manager within the Executive Directorate and reporting directly to EASA’s Executive Director.

Alex Milns

Alex Milns has been Technical Programme Manager for the EUROCAE Counter-UAS Working Group 115, and other working groups, since moving to Europe just about 18 months ago. Alex’s background is as an Air Traffic Controller in Australia for 30 years, in roles including systems management with a focus on surveillance and Air Traffic Management systems, and ATC operational supervision in the Brisbane enroute and approach centre.

Pat Nolan

Speaker Biography* Pat Nolan has over 30 years’ experience across the military and civil ATM sectors in Ireland and the UK. During this time Pat worked at tactical, operational, and strategic level where he held several senior management positions and was associated with a number of high profile, innovative and transformational ATM projects. Pat’s current focus is on delivering the ATM aspects of the UK Future Flight Challenge (FFC) funded Sustainable Aviation Test Environment (SATE) project which aims to create a sector of trial airspace in the Orkney Islands to facilitate ‘integrated’ BVLOS operations from a commercial airport in unsegregated Class G airspace, thereby enabling the transition of advanced RPAS platforms into commercial use.

Juliette Mattioli

Juliette Mattioli is considered a reference in artificial intelligence not only within Thales but also in France. In 2017, she was one of the five representatives of France at the G7 Innovators Conference, contributing to the issue of AI, member of the #FranceIA mission. Since 2019, she is President of the “Data Sciences & Artificial Intelligence” Hub of the Systematic Paris-Region competitiveness cluster. Recognized for her excellent knowledge of industrial AI issues, she contributes in the field of algorithm engineering with a particular focus on trustworthy AI to accelerate the industrial deployment of AI-based solutions in critical systems. Juliette Mattioli is also co-author of a book on mathematical morphology, has published numerous scientific papers and filed several patents. She has also led numerous R&D projects for Thales programs and European projects (FP6, FP7, H2020) and is now strongly involved in the “Grand Défi National pour Sécuriser, certifier et fiabiliser les systèmes fondés sur l’AI”.

Luis Felipe de Oliveira

Luis Felipe de Oliveira has led Airports CouncilInternational (ACI) World as Director Generalsince June 2020, applying his vast experiencein commercial and technical aviation. He firmlybelieves that aviation has a crucial role to playin fostering social and economic growthworldwide and is committed to helping ACImembers and business partners sustainablyrecover from the impact of the pandemic.
Luis Felipe’s career in aviation began withIATA, Geneva, after serving 12 years at Shell(Latin America and Europe), to lead fuel andairport campaigns, in collaboration withgovernments, oil companies, fuel serviceproviders and airports for diverse worldregions. His tenure at IATA lasted a decadebefore he joined the World Fuel Services asVice President of Supply Development for LatinAmerica and Caribbean. Prior to joining ACIWorld, Luis Felipe successfully led the LatinAmerican and Caribbean Air TransportAssociation (2017-2020), where he led acomplete restructuring of the organization. Thisenabled it to be more effective and efficient,attracting members and strategic partners tosupport industry development in the region.
He is a Chemical Engineer from CatholicUniversity, Rio de Janeiro, with a postgraduatedegree in Finance, University of São Paulo, anMBA from Dom Cabral Foundation, São Paulo,and Post MBA from Kellogg University,Chicago.
Luis Felipe is a Board Member in Cirium andAdvisor Board Member in Honeywell. Heserves on the Board of the Air Transport ActionGroup (ATAG) and is particularly dedicated tothe sustainability of the sector.

Kok Juan Han

Han Kok Juan is the Director-General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. He is responsible for the development of a safe, vibrant and sustainable Singapore air hub and the provision of air navigation services for the Singapore Flight Information Region.
Kok Juan is Chairman of the Asia and Pacific Air Navigation Service Provider Committee. He is a member of the Executive Committee and the Chair of the Asia Pacific CEO Committee of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO).
Prior to this, Kok Juan held senior appointments in various Singapore ministries, including of transport, law, national development, trade and industry, finance and health.
Kok Juan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and a Master in Public Administration from the Peking University, People’s Republic of China.

Marie-Pier Berman

Marie-Pier Berman is responsible for providing tactical and strategic leadership for the Operations group overseeing the delivery of NAV CANADA’s air traffic services (ATS) with a focus on providing safe, efficient, orderly, and cost-effective services. In addition to the delivery of ATS services, Ms. Berman leads the development and implementation of programs, procedures, and practices including ATS Standards, Flight Operations, and Aeronautical Information Management (AIM), ensuring that business initiatives are aligned with corporate objectives and integrated to deliver value to NAV CANADA’s customers. Ms. Berman was a commercial pilot before joining NAV CANADA in 2003 as an instrument flight rules (IFR) Air Traffic Controller. She has held successive roles as Unit Procedures Specialist, Shift Manager, Manager of Operational Training, MACCO and GMFIR, all in Winnipeg. From 2020 to 2022, she served as Assistant Vice President, ATS Service Delivery and has been Vice President since November 2022.

Mark Esposito

Mark Esposito is a professor of economics and public policy with appointments at Hult International Business School and Harvard University. At Harvard, he serves as social scientist with affiliations at Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for International Development; Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies. He has been affiliate faculty of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness at Harvard Business School, under the mentorship of Prof. Michael E. Porter and he served as Founding Fellow of the Circular Economy Research Center at the Judge Business School, at the University of Cambridge, where he retains a Senior Associate role. He advises governments in the GCC and Eurasia regions and is a global expert of the World Economic Forum and holds adjunct roles at Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, and Georgetown University. He co-founded the Machine Learning research firm, Nexus FrontierTech and the EdTech venture: The Circular Economy Alliance. He has a doctorate from Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech and he lives across Boston, Geneva and Dubai.

Kevin Hightower

Kevin has been advancing technology in the aviation industry for 20+ years, having joined Cirium in 2022 as the VP of Product, leading the way for the variety of aviation analytics products Cirium brings across the industry. Previously, Kevin worked for over 15 years at Lockheed Martin, including the CTO for all Airline, Airport, and Air Traffic Control products. He also has over four years of experience driving innovative products at Google’s drone delivery company, Wing. Kevin describes himself as a hands-on leader, who is passionate about revolutionising products and services to launch the right products to make the world a radically better place.