The 2023 ATM Awards

CANSO is again partnering with ATM Magazine to deliver the next Air Traffic Managment Awards, brought to you by Airspace World. The awards ceremony will take place during Airspace World 2025 in Lisbon.

The awards aim to encourage pinoeering concepts and acknowledge significant achievements by leaders, Initatives, and organisations in ATM and UTM.

Awards are open to all ATM, UTM, UAM/AAM, UAS and C-UAS stakeholders – manufacturers, software developers, research agencies, standards organisations, air navigation service providers, regulators, drone service providers and operating companies, airports and aircraft operating companies.

The platform to submit entries will open January 2025, more information can be found on the Air Traffic Management Magazine website.

2024 Award Categories

There are six individual categories, plus an overall winner to be judged by a panel of experts from our industry.

Innovation to enable Sustainable Future Skies

Driving advancements in technology, automation, and operations to shape the skies of tomorrow. Projects that explore the latest innovations in air traffic management demonstrating how cutting-edge technologies such as digitisation, virtualisation and AI can enhance performance, efficiency, safety, sustainability  and capacity in airspace operations.

Building a resiliance ATM framework for future skies

As we’ve seen from recent world events – regional conflicts and extreme weather have had an impact on aviation. Projects that support resilience to disruptions and unforeseen events in ATM and maximise operational performance ensuring both safety and service continiuty in extreme circumstances is possible.s

Collaboration and community

“It takes a village”, we’ve all heard this before, but the time is now more than ever for our industry to embrace this concept. This award highlights projects showcasing cross-industry collaboration to drive sustainable, more efficient and flexible ATM operations.

Pathway to Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)

Paving the way for the integration and growth of AAM operations. Projects that are now progressing at scale and/or demonsrating real life operational readiness including the challenges, opportunities, and regulatory frameworks needed to enable such seamless regional and urban air mobility (UAM)..

Unleashing the Potential of Drones

Drone commercial applications are now beginning to impact our society. Projects which acknoledge and adress the impact that commercial drone operations have on society and /or the use of airspace including opportunities and challanges of integration and the widespread advancements of drone applications.